The Contexto Programme is a training platform for professionals who are interested in the social intervention area and also in intimate partner violence against women.
Providing professionals with a highly specialised profile in treatment and evaluation in situations of violence is a fundamental task towards effective interventions that soften the impact and the presence of violent attitudes and behaviours.
Training and raising awareness are one of the main objectives of the Contexto Programme. To this end, specific training activities are carried out for students or professionals of psychological intervention and/or social intervention.
Professional Practicum
Training future professionals is one of the priority objectives of the Contexto Programme. A space is offered where theoretical and practical knowledge in interventions with perpetrators can be broadened.
The Contexto Programme offers a space so that those people who are aware of the need to stop intimate partner violence against women can collaborate in the different projects underway. Given the difficulty with the group with which work is done, volunteers must receive specific training in interventions with perpetrators. This training is practical and is done while carrying out activities.
Awareness and dissemination in preventing intimate partner violence against women are extremely important for the Contexto Programme. Because of this, different activities are carried out to transfer the knowledge acquired from both professional practice and research.

Training Platform
Since 2013, theoretical-practical training in intimate partner violence against women and interventions with perpetrators has been provided. This is a learning space where students actively and directly form part of the process by combining autonomous work and face-to-face classes.
This training also includes an approach to the Individualised Motivational Plan, a tool of the Contexto Programme designed to favour adherence to interventions and to motivate changes.
Training lasts 60 hours, and its objective is to train professionals or future
professionals in psychosocial interventions held with the populations who are very resistant to change by means of different theoretical approaches in which a theoretical basis is intended to be established by taking interventions in intimate partner violence against women by working with perpetrators as a reference.
Participants receive a certificate when training ends.
This training intends students to:
- Acquire theoretical knowledge based on the scientific literature that specialises in intimate partner violence against women.
- Become aware of the need for evidence-based interventions.
- Know the existing programmes and tools in the intervention with perpetrators.
- Develop the skills and competences to work with people who are very resistant to interventions by managing motivational tools.
- Know in-depth and learn to manage evaluation tools in the intervention with perpetrators area.
- Acquire practical experience in intervention in intimate partner violence against women.

Are you interested?
If you are interested in intervention with perpetrators
If you are interested in social interventions
If you wish to form part of work with populations who are very resistant to change